Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Hi, Friends, I am typing this at 4 PM, Tuesday afternoon, with temps in the high 60s(but quite cold at night time!!) I got here in good shape but very tired. It took a total of 17 hours flying time to get here. 15 of those 17 hours involved two back-to-back flights of 7.5 hours, with a one hour stop in Zurich,Switzerland. I am having to sleep a lot just to make it through a day. Altitude adjustment??(It is 6000 feet above sea level here.) Or maybe jetlag?? Or maybe some of both. I have my first retreatants to guide for the next 8 days: three Kenyan nuns and one Kenyan diocesan priest. It is a challenge to understand their accented English. Of course I don't have an accent!! (Do I hear some heavy clearing of throats in the background??!! I still three mail shipments: one a package by one of you mailed to me; one I mailed to myself--garden seeds --and then a UPS shipment of 16 boxes of books, clothes, notes, pictures to hang, and medicines. I am in a mess if the UPS shipment does not show up. I wish I could take you all on a walk around this place. It is really beautiful. Everything grows so luxuriantly. By the way I saw my first monkey yesterday. He or she comes to steal from our banana grove. All for now! Bernie Owens


  1. Hooray, Fr. Bernie! So proud of you making the leap to blogging!
    Thank you for the wonderful update, and may the boxes show up soon on your doorstep. Blessings, Diane

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Glad to read your new blog and that you are enjoying yourself.

  4. What I would not give to go back in time to see the expression on your face as I told you that not only would you be using a computer one day- but writing a BLOG! Whatever it takes for the "Greater Glory of God." You are a trooper. (Just don't be putting meds in UPS boxes).

    P.S. The only blog ID I have is for Susie's kids - so I have to go by Grandmama

  5. Hi Father Bernie,
    I'm checking out the Blog and continuing to pray for you... joyously, gratefully, and with trust that God has you right where he wants you!
    Rick Benedict
